Friday 11 December 2015

Kids taking over the bed

We have a queen size bed that magically transforms into a midget size bed every time one of our kids decides to come and join us in the middle of the night. My just-turned-three year old daughter is the biggest culprit and when she sneaks in she likes to kick and punch anyone who looks like they are sleeping just a little peacefully. Last night she joined us just as my wife and I were going to bed ourselves and within two minutes she had whacked me in the face and left her arm there to try and smother me with her little label blanket (which my wife found highly amusing).

But this post is actually about something silly that happened three nights ago but first, let me fill in some of the background story. I have been working freaking hard of late, waking up at 4 a.m. to be at work by 5; the extra few hours in the morning give me more time to deal with the enormous work load I have had. I have literally been working half days (12 hours) so that I can enjoy my xmas holiday when I finally do get to go on leave. The bottom line is that I am tired and sleep deprived as is, so having an angry mini-ninja in bed at night has not helped me at all. Except for three nights ago when she actually, while still coming to our room, seemed to sleep rather well. I know this because she was lying right under me. I tried to turn over at one stage in the night only to feel this little body in the way prompting me to scoot over as far as I could without actually falling out of the bed. About an hour after this my alarm went off and when I climbed out of the bed and surveyed the scene I just had to laugh. My daughter was way over on my wife's side of the bed an my poor wife was balancing on the ledge for dear life. Had I been awake enough to realize it, I would have known that I actually had plenty of bed space to sleep on, except that right below the middle of my pillow was a small, stuffed elephant toy.

Yeah I gave up valuable sleep and still have a stiff neck because I didn't want to squash or bother a stuffed animal that I mistook for my daughter. If your child is still a new born or you are still expecting, let this picture below speak to you and sink in a little bit. But don't take it too seriously, the dad (and mom) experience is still the most beautiful and rewarding adventure that life can bless us with.

Saturday 21 November 2015



My name is Wesley and I am a father of two. My oldest is almost six and my youngest has just turned three or as we like to say in our house, she just became a threenager. In the last month alone I have had my testicles crushed on a trampoline, I have received a mouth full of spit when I thought I was going to get a loving kiss, I have had to clean my bed which had been completely covered with KY gel, I have been pee'd on while my daughter was sitting on my lap so that it looked like I had wet my own pants and then today I attended a birthday party with a bunch of moms because my wife had to work.

Being a dad is an experience and an adventure. Kids do and say the funniest things all the time and I don't want to forget any of it which is why I have decided to start blogging some of the highlights that go with being a father. I am pretty sure my experiences are not unique either so hopefully you guys out there can relate and we can have some laughs together.

See you soon!